Timeout Warning
Your session is about to time out, do you want to continue your session?
Cedar Lake Historical Association, Inc.
Steamboat 2024 Survey
Thank you for riding the Dewey Line and Steamer Dewey this summer. We hope you have fond memories of your time at The Museum at Lassen's Resort. Please provide the following demographic information to aid us as we prepare a report for our sponsors and funders at the end of the season.
Zip Code:
Date of Cruise:
Monon (20-minutes)
Premium (45-minutes)
Please Share Your Feedback
How likely is it that you would recommend the boat ride to a friend or colleague?
Extremely likely
Very likely
Somewhat likely
Not so likely
Not at all likely
How organized was the event?
Extremely organized
Very organized
Somewhat organized
Not so organized
Not at all organized
How friendly was the volunteer staff?
Extremely friendly
Very friendly
Somewhat friendly
Not so friendly
Not at all friendly
Was the boat ride length too long, too short or about right?
Too long
Too short
About Right
Was the price of a ticket a good value for you?
What else would you like us to know?
Become Involved
Would you like to join the Dewey Line Crew by becoming a volunteer? If so, please fill out the information below and we will send you a link to our volunteer inquiry form :)
First Name
Last Name